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Water Closet Supports Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can a Figure 0544D be used with a water closet using a flush valve?
    No, because the 0544D fitting does not have a cross over baffle to prevent waste blow through to the opposite toilet which would occur because of the flush velocity created by the flush valve.

  2. Do all Smith fixture supports meet their relative ANSI/ASME standard?
    Yes, they comply with ASME A112.6.1M standard.

  3. Is the M58 nipple available in lengths in excess of 10"?
    Yes, but it must be special ordered.

  4. What is the purpose of the lower plate assembly provided with the 0637 urinal support?
    To provide a means for securing bearing studs which thrust against the lower portion of the urinal to prevent it from pressing against the finished wall.

  5. What is the load rating for water closet supports?
    Fig. 0200, 0400 & 0500 floor mounted water closet supports have a 500 lb. static load rating.