Abbreviations & Prefixes

A Complete Guide to Understand Their Meanings.
A glossary of product related abbreviations used on this website can be found below.

A Aluminum
AA Aluminum Body and Collar
A.B.S. Acrylonitrile-Butadienne Styrene
Adj. Adjustable
A.R. Acid Resistant
A.R.C. Acid Resistant Coated
A.R.E. Acid Resisting Enamel
BWV Assy. Backwater Valve Assy.
C.I. Cast Iron
cm Centimeter
C.O. Cleanout
Conn. Connection
Coup. Coupling
Deg or ƒ Degree
Dia. Diameter
Dim. Dimension
D.W.V. Drain, Waste & Vent
Enam. Enamel
F.B.S. Flat Bottom Strainer
F.H.M.S. Flat Head Machine Screw
Fig. (s) Figure (s)
Fin. Finished
Gals. Gallons
Gov't. Government
G.P.M. Gallons Per Minute
I.C. Inside Caulk
I.D. Inside Diameter
In. Inch
Lav. Lavatory
Lb. (s) Pound (s)
LH Left Hand
Max. Maximum
MBG Ductile Iron Bucket & Grate
Mfrs. Manufacturer's
Min. Minimum
mm Millimeter
NB Polished Nickel Bronze
No. Number
N.P.S. National Pipe Straight
N.P.S.H. National Pipe Straight Hose
N.P.T. National Pipe Taper
O.D. Outside Diameter
PB Polished Bronze
P.D.I. Plumbing Drainage Institute
PSI Pounds Per Square Inch
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
Rad. Radius
RB Rough Bronze
Reg. Regular
RH Right Hand
Spec. Specification
Sq. Square
Std. Standard
SW Service Weight
Thd. Thread
V.P. Vandal Proof
W/ With
Wt. Weight
XH. Extra Heavy