Best In Class Drainage Products
Stainless Steel – The Ultimate Material


Stainless Steel is one of the most popular and widely used materials available today due to its appearance, durability, and long life. Stainless Steel’s unique advantage is its chromium content. Chromium has a great affinity for oxygen, and will form a film of chromium oxide on the surface of the steel, allowing it to resist stains and corrosion. This ensures easy cleaning and a gratifying appearance that lasts for years.

The material is perfect for applications in which products may suffer heavy use or abuse because it will not warp or break, even in extreme conditions. This durability makes Stainless Steel an ideal material for floor drains, floor sinks, floor cleanouts and trench drains.

In many cases stainless steel is the most cost-efficient solution because it requires less maintenance and has a longer service life than other materials. Moreover, stainless steel is fully recyclable and has a high scrap value on decommissioning.

Stainless Steel Drainage Products
By Industry or Application

Smith's Stainless Steel model description is listed below.

View Our Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel 9000 Series


Dairy/Cheese Industry

Product Links Listed Below

9610, 9614, 9620, 9635, 9642, 9646, 9650, 9654, 9680, 9691-9699, 9710, 9720, 9725, 9730, 9735, 9760, 9660, 9666

Food Handling

Food Handling
Restaurants/ Cafeterias

Product Links Listed Below

9610, 9614, 9620, 9635, 9642, 9646, 9650, 9654, 9680, 9700, 9710, 9720, 9725, 9730, 9735, 9760, 9660, 9665 SS-8000

Food Processing

Food Processing
Creameries/ Meat Plant

Product Links Listed Below

9600, 9610, 9614, 9620, 9635, 9642, 9646, 9650, 9654, 9680, 9691-9699, 9700, 9760, 9660, 9665

Read Cheese Industry Blog Post

Chemical Plants

Chemical Plants

Product Links Listed Below

9600, 9610, 9614, 9620, 9635, 9642, 9646, 9680, 9700, 9710, 9720, 9725 97309735 9760

Fuel Plants

Fossil Fuel Plants

Product Links Listed Below

9610, 9614, 9620, 9635, 9642, 9646, 9680, 9700, 9710, 9720, 9725 97309735 9760

Atomic Energy

Atomic Energy
Nuclear Power Plants

Product Links Listed Below

9600, 9610, 9614, 9620, 9635, 9642, 9646, 9680, 9691-9699, 9700, 9760, 9700, 9660, 9665



Product Links Listed Below

9600, 9610, 9614, 9620, 9635, 9642, 9646, 9650, 9654, 9680, 9700, 9760, 9660

Photo Processing

Photographic Processing

Product Links Listed Below

9610, 9614, 9620, 9635, 9642, 9646, 9650, 9654, 9680, 9700, 9710, 9720, 9725 97309735 9760,

Health Care

Health Care
Hospitals/Nursing Homes

Product Links Listed Below

9600, 9610, 9614, 9620, 9635, 9642, 9646, 9650, 9654, 9680, 9700, 9760, 9760, 9660

Commercial Kitchens

Commercial Kitchens

Product Links Listed Below

9600, 9610, 9614, 9620, 9635, 9642, 9646, 9650, 9654, 9680, 9691-9699, 9700, 9760, 9660, 9665, SS-8000

Fine Line

Linear Shower Drains

Product Links Listed Below


Stainless Steel Literature

View Our Stainless Steel Threshold Drain