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Stainless Steel Threshold Drains

Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co.® first introduced a threshold drain with a flow rate of 100 GPM to the market in 2017. The 2018 International Building Code, Section 3007.3 requires builders to have a method of preventing water from infiltrating the elevator hoistway. While some locales, such as San Francisco, may require this method to accommodate a 100 GPM flow rate, other geographic areas may call for different flow rate requirements. To satisfy the need for lower flow rate drains, we have introduced the 9678 Series of drains with models that can accommodate 25, 50, 75, and 100 GPM flow rates

Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co.'s Threshold Drains are heelproof, ADA compliant, 100 GPM


  • Heelproof
  • ADA Compliant
  • Depth of these drains is 1 ¾”-2” inches shallow enough to fit within the topping slab
  • Vane Style grate
  • Anchor straps standard for ease of install and creates a mechanical lock into the slab
  • 4” to 6” outlet on the 9678-50, 9678-75, 9678-100 & 9679


  • Depths and widths can vary depending on type of slab
  • Optional Trap Primer Connection
  • Optional Trap Primer choices include a Pressure Drop or Electronic
  • Optional Trap Defender* (patented)
  • Outlet can be place anywhere from 12” away from end of drain to center
  • Vandal-proof grate lock down optional
  • Tile-in-Lay grate

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Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co.'s Threshold Drain Applications mobile

Always check pertinent fire and building codes for your location before specifying a threshold drain. Threshold drains are intended for use in front of elevators doorways and stairways to intercept water from sprinklers in the event of an emergency. Our Stainless Steel Threshold Drain utilizes 1/4” grate spacing which complies with ADA requirements and helps prevent public falls and injuries.

Our threshold drains can be designed and manufactured for:

  • Thresholds in front of elevator hallways to meet local and state and IBC codes
  • Thresholds in front of elevator doors to meet local and state and IBC codes
  • Entranceways into hotels/stores
  • Freezers/cold storage doorways
  • Emergency Egress stairwells
9678-25 25 gpm 3" x 2" stainless steel threshold drain
FIGURE NO. 9678-25

Flow Rate: 25 GPM
Width: 3”
Depth: 2”

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9678-50 50 gpm 5.75" x 2" stainless steel threshold drain
FIGURE NO. 9678-50

Flow Rate: 50 GPM
Width: 5 ¾”
Depth: 2”

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9678-75 75 gpm 8.625" x 2" stainless steel threshold drain
FIGURE NO. 9678-75

Flow Rate: 75 GPM
Width: 8 ⅝”
Depth: 2”

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9678-100 100 gpm 11.5" x 2" stainless steel threshold drain
FIGURE NO. 9678-100

Flow Rate: 100 GPM
Width: 11 ½”
Depth: 2”

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9679 stainless steel threshold drain

Flow Rate: 100 GPM
Wide 13 9/16 ”
Deep 1 ¾”

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Stainless Steel Threshold Drain Literature

Stainless Steel Threshold Drain Submittals